/Portfolio/Stroje reklamowe producent Elabika, czyli Gołąb GKM - projekt

Stroje reklamowe producent Elabika, czyli Gołąb GKM - projekt

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Stroje reklamowe na zamówienie

Grudziądzkiego Klubu Motocyklowego

zaprojektowane w naszej firmie, to


utrzymany w kolorystyce bliskiej każdemu fanowi miejscowego speedway'a.

W naszym firmowym archiwum każdy zainteresowany znajdzie

stroje reklamowe

projektowane i wykonane przez nas dla naszych Klientów 

wśród których oficjalne klubowe

stroje reklamowe maskotki

stanowią sporą i reprezentatywną społeczność w naszej galerii

stroje reklamowe.


Od pewnego czasu Elabika to również media społecznościowe i możliwość uzyskania informacji o naszych bieżących dokonaniach w profilach na: FacebookTwitter, oraz Google+.

Elabika mascot costumes promotional manufacturer

Pigeon GKM


Mascot costumes to order (costumes advertising on demand)

Grudziądz Motorcycle Club in a slightly humorous way can be described as historic, but, would be different if

advertising mascot costumes

symbolize traditionally associated with the club form, which is the pigeon decorated in colors close to any fan of the local speedway.

Since first creating and then describing our company archive

mascot costume (costumes advertising)

done for our customers familiarize themselves with widely available mentions about them, because we know that the first, was established under the aegis of the club Olimpia section motorcycle in Grudziadz began operations in 1924, two years later he initiated activity motorcycle-track-cycling, and the first mention of the official competitions dirt-track date back to the year 1930. to close the information about Grudziądz times before the war, when the Poland does not yet played the regular league competition, it is worth mentioning the title of Master Polish in 1935, in the category of sports machines with a capacity of 350 cubic centimeters gained by the player of the club John Witkowski.

But because our primary goal is lauded as fascinating phenomena which are

mascot costumes (costumes advertisement)

manufacturer, this popular conglomerate words serve as the leading search engine, not the

clothes advertising rental

or indicating most often no link with any entity

outfits advertising Allegro,

our interest when it comes to

mascot costumes advertising

GKM finish information about the actual meaning of the abbreviation in the past and present, and a typical, if only due to changing social realities, political, economic - sponsorship, functioning not only of the club under varying names.

In the first played after the war, the league has performed Olimpia Grudziadz (third place in the Team Championship Polish in 1948), the following season force the name of Olimpia-Union (VI place), which a year later, as a Union Grudziadz also took the VI place to after another communist reorganization sport disappear not only from the central competitions, but also with maps of the city until 1976, when she returned under the name GSZ (Grudziądzka Section Speedway) Grudziadz, on the margin, as a team of reserves Steel Torun, becoming independent two years later to to act as GKM (Grudziądz Motor Club) Grudziadz. And from this very date, regardless of whether or not GKM Grudziadz meant Grudziądz Motor Club, or as it is now Grudziądz Motorcycle Club, even with a break for GTZ (Grudziądz Society Speedway), names of companies sponsoring appearing next to the name of the club did not even mention invariably They lasted only yellow-blue color and white dove, whose election official club

mascot costumes advertising

was an obvious matter of course in our gallery

mascot costumes (outfits Advertisement):

appeared fantastic pigeon.

For some time Elabika also social media and the ability to obtain information about our current achievements in the profiles on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.


Elabika stroje reklamowe producent

Gołąb GKM



tłumaczenie - GOOGLE - translation

Stroje reklamowe producent Elabika, czyli Gołąb GKM - projekt

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