/Portfolio/Stroje reklamowe wędrowne, czyli Bocian Czarny - projekt

Stroje reklamowe wędrowne, czyli Bocian Czarny - projekt

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Kolejne opracowane i wykonane w naszej firmie

stroje reklamowe na zamówienie, 

których pierwowzorem jest ptak, wykonane na podstawie projektu graficznego pochodzącego z naszej pracowni projektowej, przy których tworzeniu kierowaliśmy się wizerunkiem Hajstra (łac. Ciconia nigra), czyli dużego, wędrownego ptaka, które ornitolodzy klasyfikując do rodziny bocianów (Ciconiidae) określają jako:

                                                                           Bocian Czarny


W dobie tak zwanych mediów społecznościowych, wszystkich zainteresowanych zapraszamy do wyszukiwania informacji na temat

kostiumów reklamowych,

nie tylko w naszej tematycznej galerii

stroje reklamowe

i nie przez wpisywanie w wyszukiwarce Google takich popularnych obecnie haseł, jak: 

stroje reklamowe wypożyczalnia,

stroje reklamowe maskotki,

stroje reklamowe sklep,

stroje reklamowe allegro,


stroje reklamowe koszulki,

ale  poprzez odwiedzanie naszych profili na:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stroje.reklamowe.elabika,

Google+:  https://plus.google.com/+Elabika,

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MascotsElabika

oraz kanale filmowym

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Elabika


mascot costumes

or Black Stork



Discussing further designed, developed and manufactured in our company

mascot costumes (outfits advertising) on demand,

where the prototype are representatives of fauna can be in a playful way note that this time we invite all regular and random visitors to these areas in our gallery -

mascot costumes (clothes advertising)

or otherwise

outfits promotional

which modeled on the familiar with some of the other circumstances naming, you can, somewhat loftily described as, a sort of aviary, with a majority share in the this part of the family accipitridae that scheme describes as an eagle. But, because from time to time, our customers entrust us to realize the


at which design we must be guided by the images of some of the other representatives of the cluster known as birds, hence extremely pleased to present

disguise for the animator

who has been named by us: Stork Black.

Hajstra (lat. Ciconia nigra) is one of the species of large, migratory birds that ornithologists classify the family of storks (Ciconiidae) and specifying the black stork, recognize the black, characterized by a metallic greenish and purple glossy plumage trunk, as opposed to white covers near the tail, chest and abdomen, as well as red beak, skin around the eyes and legs.


In Poland, the black stork (not counting individuals of

mascot costumes - clothing advertising)

occurs throughout the country, numbering about 1 500 - 2 300 pairs (estimate of the population in 2011), choosing on their breeding grounds boundless, numbering usually many years, swampy stands, found near water, swamps, wet meadows, ponds and marshes, small mid-forest ponds and small streams within forests, building nests in the trees of deciduous and coniferous trees, and mountains on the rocks.

In the era of so-called social media, all interested parties are invited to search for information on the

mascot costumes (costumes of advertising),

not only in our thematic galleries

mascot costumes (clothes advertising)

and not by typing in the Google search engine such currently popular slogans such as:

mascot costumes - clothing advertising rent,

clothes advertising mascot costumes Advertisement shop,

clothes allegro advertising,

promotional T-shirts or dresses,

but by visiting our profiles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stroje.reklamowe.elabika, Google+ https://plus.google.com/+Elabika, Twitter https://twitter.com/MascotsElabika film and YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Elabika.


Stroje reklamowe

wędrowne, czyli Bocian Czarny



tłumaczenie - GOOGLE - translation

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